Aero-TV: AirVenture Meet the Boss - Babbitt Addresses FAA Communication

On July 30th, 2009, Randy Babbitt took to the podium for the first time as the FAA Aministrator, addressing EAA AirVenture attendees in the Honda Pavilion.

With nearly 70,000 operations every day, and over 753 million people transported each year, the job of FAA Administrator is no simple task; yet, as Babbitt explained, he understands there are numerous ways in which the FAA can address current issues and improve the way in which the FAA regulates and connects with the general aviation community.

When asked what general aviation pilots can do to support better communication with the FAA, Babbitt reiterated the value of public input stating that the general aviation community has more eyes and ears to monitor the FAA than the FAA has to monitor itself. The FAA’s “Consistency and Standardization Initiative,” for example, provides a process for which an individual who is dissatisfied with a decision made by the FAA Aviation Safety Office to have that decision reviewed by higher levels of management without fear of retribution.

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